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Smuggler's Paradise update 20/05/2024 - 30/05/2024

Writer's picture: DragagonDragagon

Hi Sarnaut! It's been a long while since our last post about the Smuggler's Paradise server! Having taken a break from all that is Allods Online, dipping my toes into different games, finally finding work, transitioning from being single to an ex-gf to back being single. A lot happens in one's life and changes take time to getting used to. However we're back with what I'm hoping I get to do for a while now :)



Moving forward on population updates, I (currently ) no longer have acces to Empire's population stats, so I will only be able to share and talk about League's progress. Going forward, I hope Empire will reach out to bring that data to share to Dragallods and the wide world :) I am thinking about wrapping up the Geodata thingy showing where all players are from, as it's all manual labor and there is no automated way of getting people's country of origin where they play from by addon or other way. So that's a headsup!

As seen on the right, we're now with a whopping 135 on the League side, and that's thanks to the rising of a 2nd well established guild by now on the League side: Kuvaya Miliye. This is a guild focused on Turkish-only players due to the guild leader being turkish only and unable to speak english.

A great improvement for the League, and plenty more red to kill for the Empire! And that promises for Dominions and Ranked Combats!



The Dominions last week were very juicy! 3 guilds competing, about 9 different groups made of 6 players to PvP against is surely refreshing to see on our server! Raid Dominions are now packed to full 12x12 fights from all guilds participating, so PvP fun guaranteed! Stand of business for this week is Avarice leading with Legacy right on the heels, despite lacking in gear.

Fights were quite spread and far from one sided also as can be seen below:

Last Raid Dominion was a confetti of PvP as well considering they put up a real fight as Avarice defended their Realgar vigorously.

You can see Legacy's POV from the videos below.

The week before that on 22/05 was Raid Dominion between Avarice and Kuvayi Milliye, but that was rather shortfighted as they have some gear gap to catch up to. All the best to Kuvayi Milliye!



The Content Creators playing Smuggler's Paradise haven't been sitting idle either!

Starting of with a series done by myself on how to create addons for Allods Online, I've wanted to make addon development more approachable by the playerbase. Documentation is hard to understand and is russian-only by default. I do hope this series of addon development does its job.

Even our new guild's Kuvayi Milliye guildleader is not shy of same fame! Here they are building their Stronghold and explaining about the different Guild Keepers.

Aerialls, being the guildleader of Legacy, is showing us how Firocious, the Kingdom of the Elements worldboss, can be soloed by any random class. In his case, that's the bard.

He does make it look easy, right?

And to close off the videos I found that were quite recent, I wanted to share my 2nd video of the addon development playlist going in-depth on Events. Quite educational, even if it is just me saying so :D



No Dragallods post without addressing the elephant in the room, delayed 15.0!

It's said that we're now in week 8 or 9 of the Relic Layer, PAST the 10 weeks mark! That is right, 19 weeks of Relic Layer right now HAHA!? Who knows what's going on?

Not the Moderators nor Community Manager, that is who. No offense to anyone, but Allods Online EU seems to have come stuck in a time loop where it's just maxing out your gear, and taking it easy with occasional full steaming into PvP. Because the game is good at that, PvP.

This does make me think about that anime movie Maboroshi where they also get stuck in a timeloop and the whole city just has to keep living on living the same day over and over.

Here's a video recapping the last few developments surrounding that news, and the current state of the Allods Online higher ups handling this situation, which is, spoiler alert, they don't.


Not much new to add to that aside from the pre-scripted sale events on the official website.

RU region on the other side is pushing content left and right, but somehow has their playerbase dwindle by the reason of "boring content". The grass is greener on the other side, no matter where you stand I suppose.


And that's that for this first and last post OF THE MONTH, ha-ha!

Hope I get more time to do this more often as I enjoy searching for interesting news bits, new videos showcasing P2P things, spreading juicy drama's and simply watching how it all unfolds all things Allods Online.

If you do have any more suggestions to include in our posts, be it topics or news or content channels, be sure to pass them on down below on the comments.

We do also have a community discord that you can join here!

Here's a gif to your enjoyment, and we'll see eachother on the next post!

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