Welcome to Dragallods
You can use the navigation tabs at the top to see what'd you be interested in. We consider this project as never finished.
There's always information and pages missing.
Always looking for the last puzzle pieces to show and explain the game.
If you notice something's off, you can let us know below.
Would you like to find info on something but can't find it?
Let us know also down below.

What's Dragallods about?
Dragallods is our unofficial Allods Online website, where we build a database of guides, tutorials, info, raids, costumes, shellskins, pets, weaponskins, etc.
For the veterans, similar to what Allods Oracle once was. That's what Dragallods was inspired to be.
We also want to be interactive with the Allods community. Offer them giveaways and subscriptions for the P2P server. Agreed we have the Allods forums already, but there is a lot we can do better in different ways.
The main idea of Dragallods is simply having Allods Online, in a website. it's a big undertaking but it's a good project to have.
Meet the group!

Up to now, Dragallods is run and managed by 1 player.
We'd love to welcome more passionate players to help the project forward.
You can do so by writing and working on pages. Cover an aspect about the game. You could create videos that we can use to strengthen guides we host. You can always contact us on discord by sending ".dragagon" a message, and the rest will follow.
Glad to announce a great partner, Smugglersparadise.de
Managed and run by Luzy, she's been keeping up with countless tutorials, guides and info about the game too.
First making guides and translations for RU P2P, has now focused more on content around EU P2P.
You can visit her website by clicking the banner picture or click here.