Welcome to the Paladin DPS guide!
The Paladin is for many a holy class that allows you to RP the crusader you always wanted to be!
The Paladin offers quite some utlity such as a full heal and a shield. It's able to burst greatly in PvP but has a low AOE for PvE.
Tanking got killed in 10.0 when Warrior took over, but it's going to be a thing again once 14.0 starts.
The Paladin plays DPS aspect in both Pve and PvP, and is a quite tanky force to recon with when he's on the enemy sidelines.
It's one of the 4 Tank classes in the game and thus has the same utlity toolkit as the other tanks.
In Tank aspect, it focusses on metabolizing its damage in its barriers whilst holding threat.
Using the damage in its barriers, it can do certain abilities based on that damage.

©Viktor Zurkov @https://playq.artstation.com/

A paladin guide from an old friend
The Class resource: Pledging to Light & Purity
The Paladin's resource are cannons of Light and Purity.
We pledge with our faith to get these cannons which we use for nearly all abilities.
We got 2 builders, Retribution/Vindication and Seal of Righteousness/Inerrability. And some more that build passively via rubies.
Nearly everything else uses those cannons, so we need to figure out a good rotation of abilities to not run out of cannons when using all of our abilities.
Sounds compicated, but it'll feel natural soon enough!

The PvE DPS build
The DPS'ing rotation