The Horse - Empire breeds
The horse, it's the most basic mount in any game. Allods has 'em too!
The unique part about the horses in Allods is that they've made a different model for each faction, but they all share the same skins.
There's a few weird quirks on this mount.
Everyone seems to have different names on this mount. I assume it's based on which skin you acquired as first.
Some skins are shared over the 2 models, some are not.
F2P has some skins included in the horses, P2P has those excluded instead, such as the Dead City horse.
Peculiar also is that only F2P horses have an ability, P2P don't.
The horse is a very weird mount when looking at the differences, haha!
Getting the Tropical Atoll horse gets you a rank 5 version for P2P.
Mount Breeder gives you rank 2 horses.